Providing confidence through experienced investment
Who we are
PlayfairTan provides investment and financial advice to a select group of individuals, families and charities. We manage, save and grow our clients’ wealth.
Our purpose is to give our clients confidence by providing the best investment advice now and for future generations. We measure our success and seek feedback on our performance.
We are advocates for improving the quality and skills of the private wealth advice industry.
Get to know our people
Safe and confident
Permanent, unwavering touch stone – what is in our clients’ best interests. It is so easy. Why do so many find it so hard?
Youthful and experienced
An even blend of youthful vitality, deep experience and creative diversity.
Informed and technical
Pound for pound, kilo for kilo, we measure up against any industry benchmark. There should be no individual, charitable or family requirement beyond our capability.
Modern and common sense
We are students of history. Innovators. Vitally interested observers. If it’s too good to be true it usually (not always) is.
Dedicated and fun
Hard working to a fault around our common cause. Collaborative. Irreverent. Party well and laugh a lot.
Our Philosophy
We are an investment advisory firm which is independent, focussed and professional. A firm that aligns with our clients’ best interests without any institutional imperatives. A firm that answers to a management team or partners who are also advisors.
Our operating principles are Integrity, Independence, Confidentiality, Transparency and Accountability.
We practice organisational relationship management. We strive to maintain a high level of service for and contact with our clients. A high ratio of staff to clients permits this.
Explore our services
Our History
Francis Tan and Matthew Playfair meet: both the youngest of four, passionate and dedicated.
Founded PlayfairTan – doors open Monday 2 July in Macquarie Street.
Darren Cunneen becomes the third Partner, other young’uns continue to join the staff.
Renee Souster becomes our fourth Partner. Clients and PlayfairTan Team managed the onset of the pandemic with aplomb from office, home, via screens.
Office move from ‘Wyoming’ to ‘BMA House’. Nine years young, 19 years in creation. Every way is up.
PlayfairTan turns 10! Henry Mortlock becomes the fifth Partner.